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How to turn WordPress into a DAPP

Thanks to technological advances and the great advantages that the blockchain offers us, today the buying and selling process can be done in a decentralized way. Now I am going to explain how to turn WordPress into a DAPP to get started in decentralized commerce thanks to Woocommerce and Gastcoin Gateway.

Advantages of turning WordPress into a DAPP

You will be able to charge crypto assets such as USDT or BUSD in a decentralized way using wallets such as Metamask.

Before continuing, we must know what a DAPP is and what the blockchain is.

¿What is a DAPP?

DAPP comes from the English decentralized applications, so we can say that a DAPP is a decentralized computing application.

¿What is blockchain?

The blockchain is a distributed, unchangeable database, of which everyone can be a part and have free access to verify the data of the transactions that are stored online.

Convert WordPress into a DAPP to make decentralized payments


  • Have the lastest version of WordPress.
  • Have the Woocommerce plugin active and stablished.
  • Obtain a BEP20 address to receive payments.
  • Install the Gastcoin Gateway plugin and configure it.

¿How to install the Gastcoin Gateway plugin?

1) Go to the “Plugins” bar on your left and click on “add new”

añadir nuevo plugin

2) The plugin browser will open and on the right side, type “Gastcoin gateway” to find the plugin.

3) Click install now and then activate.

activar gastcoin gateway


With this, Gastcoin Gateway was already installed with all the necessary functions to make our Woocommerce work as a DAPP to make decentralized payments.

How to configure the Gastcoin Gateway plugin

1) Go to the menu bar on your left and click on Gastcoin Gateway.

puerta de enlace gastcoin

2) If your website is already in dollars, it is not necessary to touch the conversion part. If your website is in another currency, you must add the amount equivalent to 1 dollar according to your currency. This value can change depending on your currency so you may have to make changes more than once.

convierte wordpress en una dapp

3) If you want a custom payment page, you will need to create a new page, add the shortcode to it, copy the permalink of the newly created page and paste it into the Redirect URL for payment field.

4) Now go to the WooCommerce section on the left bar and click on the settings.

5) Click on the payments tab and look for the Gastcoin Gateway plugin. Here you can choose the name that this payment method will have, its description and most importantly, your ACCOUNT ADDRESS which would be the BEP20 address of your decentralized wallet where you will receive payments. You can get a BEP20 address very easily with the Metamask APP

¿Would WordPress be 100% decentralized with Gastcoin Gateway?

With Gastcoin Gateway you would not be turning your WordPress into a 100% decentralized DAPP, everything will depend on your server when it serves content and multimedia storage. What you would be using in WordPress in a decentralized way is the way of selling in WooCommerce since you would be going from charging through banks to making the process of buying and selling directly from person to person through the blockchain.

With this we should already cover the explanation of how to turn your WordPress into a DAPP. In the next article we will explain how to make decentralized payments on the client side.


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